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John Ellis

John Ellis appears in directories at various addresses in Bristol between 1848 and 1880. He is sometimes listed alone, between 1853 and 1864-70, but other entries appear as John Ellis & Co.; Ellis, Hawley & Co.; and Ellis & Co. Ltd. (from 1866). None of the firms are listed by Godden, although he does refer to an impressed mark for J. Ellis & Co. on parian without any mention of Bristol.

Only one marked jug has been recorded, a copy of the relatively common Idle Apprentices jug which was probably made by other potters, certainly including William Stubbs & Co.

Idle Apprentices (not titled)
Design not registered. Another marked example is recorded by William Stubbs & Co.
Marks: impressed "JOHN ELLIS / BRISTOL"
Illustrations: Henrywood RMJ/250 (unmarked)


Miser and Spendthrift (not titled)
Design not registered. Shown here on a moulded stoneware mug but may have also been made as a jug. The design is known by other potters.
Marks: impressed "J ELLIS / BRISTOL"
Illustrations: None

Credits: Ken Carter; Philip Mernick