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Joseph Thompson

Joseph Thompson worked potteries at Hartshorne and nearby Wooden Box in Derbyshire. He is listed at Wooden Box in a directory of 1835 as "Iron-Stone and Coarse Earthenware Manufcr. (& Hartshorne)" with further appearances in directories of 1846 (with separate listings for Joseph Thompson senior and junior) and 1850. By 1857 the entry is for William Thompson and by 1860 for Thompson Brothers. Godden lists the firm as Joseph Thompson with dates c.1818-56.

The firm produced printed wares and also moulded wares, often treacle glazed, but only one true relief-moulded jug has been recorded to date.

"Duke of Wellington"
Design not registered. The inscription on the front reads "DUKE OF WELLINGTON / BORN, 1st MAY 1769", and similarly on the back "DUKE OF WELLINGTON / DIED, 14th SEPT. 1852"
Marks: impressed "THOMPSON"
Illustrations: none


Credits: Ross Farmer