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George Ray

George Ray potted in Longton but does not appear in the directories. Godden does not list him but states that a potter named George Ray was working in Longton and Hanley in the 1840s and 1850s. Ray registered two designs for moulded jugs in 1852 and 1854. No other jug designs have been recorded.

The Polka (not titled)
Design registered on 21 April 1852, Parcel 4, Number 84837, by George Ray of Longton.
Marks: moulded registration diamond
Illustrations: Hughes 1/108

McAuliffe (unpublished manuscript) suggests that the figures depict Jules Perrot and Carlotta Grisi dancing the Opera Polka. Polka Mania swept the country in the 1840s and 50s.

Nesting Birds (not titled)
Design registered on 31 October 1854, Parcel 2, Number 97508, by George Ray of Longton.
Marks: moulded registration diamond
Illustrations: Hughes 1/204d
Reference: Henrywood RMJ/p.217

Credits: Rich Bates; Jim McAuliffe