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J.D. Pountney

John Decimus Pountney was a major partner in the Bristol Pottery at Temple Back, Bristol, from about 1813. He is listed alone in a directory for 1836 (briefly between partnerships of Pountney & Allies and Pountney & Goldney) and then again between 1851 and 1853. He died in December 1852. He is not listed in Godden.

Only one moulded jug has been recorded, almost certainly from the early 1850s, although a copy of the Babes in the Wood jug with an impressed mark "Bristol" is illustrated by Carson (another Bristol pottery operated by John Ellis is recorded elsewhere on this site).

"Hop Blossom"
Design not registered.
Marks: moulded scroll cartouche impressed with title and "J.D. POUNTNEY / Bristol"
Illustrations: Carson p.36

Credits: Andy Stansbridge, Philip Mernick