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George Baguley
Lockett, Baguley & Cooper

George Baguley is listed at High Street, Hanley, in directories between 1850 and 1854. The firm then became Lockett, Baguley & Cooper listed at the Victoria Works, Broad Street, Shelton, Hanley, between 1856 and 1861. It then reverted to George Baguley, listed at the Broad Street address between 1862 and 1867. Godden does not list George Baguley but does record Lockett, Baguley & Cooper at the Victoria Works with dates 1855-60.

An 1852 advertisement refers specifically to "Parian and Stone Jugs, Vases etc., in white or tinted bodies". Only one relief-moulded jug has been recorded by George Baguley, registered in 1854, and two more were registered by Lockett, Baguley & Cooper in 1859 and 1860.

Putti (not titled)
Design registered on 27 March 1854, Parcel 3, Number 95448, by George Baguley of Hanley. Although basically of moulded form, some of the high-relief decoration must have been added after removal from the mould.
Marks: moulded registration diamond
Illustrations: Hughes 2/p.98 (Design Registry engraving); Rumsey 29


Not Yet Titled
Registered on 26 May 1859, Parcel 1, Number 120096, by Lockett, Baguley & Cooper of Hanley. Images needed.
Marks: not yet known
Illustrations: Hughes 2/p.102 (Design Registry photograph)
Not Yet Titled
Registered on 19 May 1860, Parcel 9, Number 129129, by Lockett, Baguley & Cooper of Hanley. Images needed.
Marks: not yet known
Illustrations: Hughes 2/p.102 (Design Registry photograph)

Credits: Wendy Wallace Johnson